A Visionary Diva

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Everyone everywhere are disgusted with AOHell. I wonder though with all of us leaving JLand if that will make a difference to AOHell? I mean when you look at it we will be loosing our journals but we will still be paying them for the service each month. This is ridiculous. We should be allowed to decide whether we want the ads on our journals. AOHell should not have that power.
Anywho, since trying to help Dre deal with the death of his grandfather and plus trying to make us work I have since started smoking again. This weekend I am going to go and buy me something to help me stop smoking. I need to for me and my kids. I am gaining weight which is a health risk in itself and then to add smoking to it is a death wish and I know this. I have stopped in the past. Everytime I found out I was prenant it didn't matter if I had a fresh pack or just one left I threw it away and stopped. I guess that is how I fooled myself into believing that I am not addicted to smoking. It is a sad thing for me to admit/realize it but I am going to do something about both the weight and the smoking. I hope that I get to see all of my JLand friends here and that we can still keep in touch.

Much Luv
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  • At 3:42 PM, Blogger Emily Suess said…

    Thanks for stopping by my journal. Always good to meet a fellow Hoosier! I'm going to add you to my links, and I'll be back to visit. Take care!



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